About Me

who am i??

First of all welcome to my blog.don’t know how you landed here, Google seems to be lousy if related search matches with my posts :p and for hostpitality, Browse what ever you wants thought their is very less to read.Well now it’s answer time and it’s “I am just a guy who sits infront of his computer 16 hrs a day”…..I guess this is not a valid answer but it’s my true identity.neverthless i love programming and open source ideology so i think it’s not inappropriate to learn and share my experiences to outer world.My thoughts are mesmerised by my past(Few failures of mine) but i think it doesn’t matter. every one can have a new start and differences can be made though you have to keep your self focused.
Damn..!! if i think it doesn’t matter why i am not applying new thoughts and doing stuffs that i shouldn’t. looks like i am inside a while loop with no exit status(literally in a Nutshell). MY_HOBBY = [“Sleeping”,”Programming”,”Gaming”]

My Study Background

Graduated from:
Haldia Institute of Technology
Department of Information Technology
West Bengal, India

Professional Career

Currently employed as “Project Engineer” in Wipro Technologies

Contact Me

Email id: msnamit@gmail.com
Twitter: Amit Kumar
facebook: Amit CodeGuru